In the previous post we've looked at some of the most commonly used registers, the stack, some x86 instructions, and how to call a higher level Win32 API function. We've combined these to create an ASM program which displays a message box with a custom message and title.
In this post we'll look at some more interesting x86 instructions and construct the strlen() C++ function from scratch.
The function expects a pointer to a null-terminated string and returns the length, i.e. the number of characters that make up the string without including the terminating null character. As a trivial example let's consider the string "HELLO" shown below:
As portrayed in the image, the string "HELLO" constitutes of 5 characters and the NULL character, hence passing a pointer to this string to strlen() returns 5.
x86 Instructions
To keep the theory at a minimum, only instructions required to achieve our goal, and some of their variations, will be covered in this section.
instruction is probably the most common ASM instruction. As the name suggests it moves data from one place to another. To be more precise it copies data across rather than move it, since the source value remains intact. The operands can be a register (e.g. EAX
), a memory location (e.g. [EAX]
; the memory location pointed at by EAX
) or an immediate value (e.g. 0FFh
). The following are some examples of such:
mov eax, F003h ; immediate -> reg ; EAX = 0xF003
mov [eax], F003h ; immediate -> mem ; [EAX] = 0xF003
mov ebx, eax ; reg -> reg ; EBX = EAX
mov eax, [ebx] ; mem -> reg ; EAX = [EBX]
mov [ebx], eax ; reg -> mem ; [EBX] = EAX
mov eax, [eax+ebx*4] ; reg -> reg ; EAX =[EAX+EBX*4]
Notice that data moves from right to left. This is the Intel syntax, and we'll be sticking exclusively to it. For those of you who are interested, the other major syntax is the AT&T syntax and is predominantly used in *nix environments.
Arithmetic operations can be performed on registers and memory locations. We can add two registers with ADD
, subtract an immediate value from a memory location with SUB
, increment values with INC
and decrement values with DEC
add esp, 14h ; esp = esp + 0x14
add ecx, eax ; ecx = ecx + eax
sub ecx, eax ; ecx = ecx - eax
sub esp, 0Ch ; esp = esp - 0xC
inc eax ; eax = eax + 1
dec eax ; eax = eax - 1
inc dword [eax] ; [eax] = [eax] + 1
add word [eax], 0FFFFh ; [eax] = [eax] + 0xFFFF
add dword [eax], 0FFFFh ; [eax] = [eax] + 0xFFFF
Notice that when the destination is a memory location, the size of the memory that we want to deal with has to be explicitly specified. Let's see why this is important.
Consider the last 2 of the examples above which at first glance look deceptively equivalent. Say that EAX
points to an arbitrary location in memory. Also say that if we read a dword in length starting from this location, we retrieve 0x41424344
. This means that if we read a word in length starting from the same location, we get 0x4344
. So:
add dword [eax], 0FFFFh => dword [eax] = 0x41424344 + 0xFFFF
=> dword [eax] = 0x41434343 & word [eax] = 0x4343 & CF=0
add word [eax], 0FFFFh => word [eax] = 0x4344 + 0xFFFF
=> dword [eax] = 0x41424343 & word [eax] = 0x4343 & CF=1
Notice the differences. For the word
-case, the most significant part is untouched since we explicitly told it to consider a word
in length and the Carry Flag has been set to 1 as the result is larger than a word
These instructions perform bitwise (eXclusive)OR of the operands and place the result in the first operand specified. The following are some self-explanatory examples:
or ebx, ebx ; ebx = ebx | ebx
xor eax, [ecx] ; eax = eax ^ [ecx]
or [edx], eax ; [edx] = [edx] | eax
xor eax, 0fh ; eax = eax ^ 0xF
or word [eax], 0FFFFh ; [eax] = [eax] | 0xFFFF
As in the previous case, when dealing with memory locations, the size has to be explicitly specified. XOR
has 2 interesting properties: XORing twice with the same value yields the original value and XORing a value with itself results in zeroes. The latter is used to clear a register whereas the former is sometimes used as a simple shellcode obfuscating technique to evade Antivirus programs.
performs a bitwise AND
but does not save the result and CMP
performs a SUB
without saving the result. These operations are used to set the appropriate flags for subsequent operations which may perform different actions depending on these flags.
cmp eax, ecx ; eax - ecx
test [ebx], eax ; [ebx] & eax
cmp edx, 0FFh ; edx - 0xFF
test dword [eax], 0ABCDh ; [eax] & 0xABCD
Once again make sure the length is specified when dealing with memory locations.
Jumps are used to control the flow of an ASM program just like "if..then..else" and "switch" for higher-level programming languages. Jump if Zero (JZ
) and Jump if Equal (JE
) are interchangeable since the Zero Flag is set to 1 when two equal values are compared, and same for Jump if Not Zero (JNZ
) and Jump if Not Equal (JNE
). JMP
is an unconditional jump and transfers the control flow irrelevant of the flag values.
jmp procedure ; jump to "procedure"
je procedure ; jump to "procedure" if ZF=1
jz procedure ; jump to "procedure" if ZF=0
generates a software interrupt and takes a single hexadecimal value. We will not go through the numerous available interrupts but we talk briefly on the following: 0x21 and 0x3. INT 0x21
calls an MS-DOS API call depending on the values in the registers. INT 0x3
(0xCC) is used by debuggers to set a breakpoint.
int 3 ; execution breaks here if attached to a debugger
A complete Intel Syntax Reference guide can be found here.
Constructing strlen()
We've looked at how strlen() works and familiarized ourselves with more than enough ASM instructions to reconstruct the function from scratch. strlen() may be very simple and straightforward but let us decompose it into smaller, digestible operations. This will help us understand the underlying logic and will make it easier to translate to ASM.
strlen() Algorithm:
- Set CTR = 0
- Is char at position CTR = 0x00 ?
- If Yes GOTO 6
- Increment CTR
- GOTO 2
- DONE: Return CTR
Without further ado:
;nasm -fwin32 strlen.asm
;GoLink /entry _main strlen.obj
;Run under a debugger
global _main
section .data
input db "What is the length of this string?",0 ; string to compute length on
section .text
xor ecx, ecx ; clear registers to be used
xor ebx, ebx ;
mov edi, input ; move pointer to start of input to edi
mov bl, [edi+ecx] ; move char to bl
test bl, bl ; check if char = 0x00 (i.e. end of string)
jz done ; if ZF=1 (i.e. bl=0x00), jump to done
inc ecx ; increment ecx (counter)
jmp check_next ; jmp to check_next
int 3 ; debugger interrupt
xor ???, ???
Zeroes out the registers before use. ECX
is used both as a counter and a pointer to the next character while the lower part of EBX
holds the character we are comparing to.
mov edi, input
Moves the pointer to the start of the string to EDI
, i.e. [EDI]
= "W".
A symbolic label used as a reference by jump instructions.
mov bl, [edi+ecx]
Moves the char pointed to by [EDI+ECX]
to the BL
test bl, bl
Reminder: TEST
performs a bitwise AND
without storing the result. The only value that returns zero when AND
ed to itself, is zero. So, if BL
= 0x0 then BL & BL
= 0x0, hence ZF
=1. If BL
<> 0x0, then BL & BL
<> 0x0, hence ZF
jz done
=1, i.e. the previous result was 0x0, i.e. we hit the end of the string, jump to the "done" label.
inc ecx
Increment ECX
which holds a counter to the string length.
jmp check_next
Jump to the "check_next" label to repeat the process with an incremented counter and a pointer to the next character.
int 3
A breakpoint for debuggers. This will give us the opportunity to take a look at the ECX
register which, at the point it reaches the interrupt, should contain the length of the string in hexadecimal format.
Generate the executable using NASM and GoLink:
Command Prompt
C:\>nasm -fwin32 strlen.asm
C:\>GoLink /entry _main strlen.obj
GoLink.Exe Version - Copyright Jeremy Gordon 2002-2014 -
Output file: strlen.exe
Format: Win32 Size: 1,536 bytes
As you might have realized by now, we can't just run the executable. We need to attach it to a debugger to be able to view the result in the ECX
register. In a future post I might demonstrate how to format a registry value and display it in a message box. It's more involved than it sounds.
The following screenshot shows the status of the registers after the debugger hits the INT
contains 0x22 which translates to 34, the length of "What is the length of this string?". Play around with it; modify the string and run it step by step to get a better feel for ASM.
A lot was covered in this post. We've looked at how higher-level functions are constructed using basic assembly instructions. In the next post we won't be creating anything new but rather we'll be improving upon what we've covered here .. さようなら